Project Overview
The Experienti@is a mobility program financed by European Commission under de Erasmus +, Exchanges and mobility in sport program.
The Experienti@ program aims to contribute to the development of the specific competence of swim coaches, using a new training model in which theoretical knowledge will be enhanced through practical experience, guided by experienced mentors, and during periods of mobility in swimming training centres of unequivocal merit. Thus, the general purpose of this project is to offer the best education framework to swimming coaches and the opportunity to integrate mobility projects to develop their specific skills, namely, to acquire technical skills of planning, evaluation and intervention through the privileged guidance of coaches of recognized merit (by a mentoring process) and in training centres of excellence.
The Experienti@program aims to contribute to the development of the specific competence of our top-level swim coaches (training of coaches-level IV according to the European and National qualifications framework), using a new training model in which theoretical knowledge will be enhanced through practical experience, guided by experienced mentors, and during periods of mobility in swimming training centres of unequivocal merit. Thus, the general purpose of this project is to offer the best education framework to swimming coaches and the opportunity to integrate mobility projects to develop their specific skills, namely to acquire technical skills of planning, evaluation and intervention through the privileged guidance of coaches of recognized merit (by a mentoring process) and in training centres of excellence.
The envisaged project milestones for achieving the envisaged objectives will be:
- Creation of an European training proposal for high level swimming coaches to improve their transversal and technicaloperational competencies in line with the current requirements of high-level competitive performance.
- Creation of a Mobility program, with a mentoring process, that will allow to establish a link between declarative (theoretical) and procedural (practical application) and tacit knowledge.
- Identification of the main challenges that arise from the practice by encouraging discussion, criticism and reflection within the international network of swimming coaches made up of the organizations involved in the project. This will lead to the development of a policy recommendation report.
Regarding the main project indicators and expected impacts, it is worth highlighting that a total of 89 participants from 7 countries (Portugal, Spain, Italy, Croatia, Ireland, Netherland and Brazil) will be directly involved in the project activities and 32 of them will benefit from learning mobility activities.
Steering Committee
Steering committee constitution
The Steering Committee is the body in charge of the monitoring and supervision of the whole project, from a scientific, administrative & financial point of view.
Steering Committee Director
Steering Committee Vice Director
António José Silva
President of Portuguese Swimming Federation
Nuno Batalha
Vice President of Portuguese Swimming Federation
Steering Committee Members
Carlo van der Heijden
Human Movement Scientist / Project Manager of Fieldlab Swimming
Josip Varvodic
Rope Sport
Jon Rudd
National Performance Director of Swimm Ireland
Raúl Arellano
Full Professor of Faculty of Sport Sciences – University of Granada
João Paulo Vilas-Boas
Director of LABIOMEP – Porto Biomechanics Laboratory
Julien Issoulie
National Technical Diretor of French Swimming Federaion